Continuous Fence


Continuous Fence is an excellent alternative to custom pipe fence in both corral and perimeter fencing applications.  We have several customers that own large ranches (running hundreds of cows and sometimes thousands of yearlings) in The Texas Panhandle, West Texas and New Mexico that have started building all their working corrals out of continuous fence.  They have chosen this option over custom pipe and even pipe and cable due to cost and ease of installation.  Since you are putting continuous fence up in 20' sections it cuts the labor time (and if hiring it installed, the labor cost) by over one half.

Our Continuous Fence comes in a few variations.  Below you will find the dimensions of our 4,5, 6 and 7 rail fence.  Our standard CF can be had in 1.25" or 1 5/8" diameter pipe.  Both are constructed of 14 ga new pipe and have 5 vertical stays spaced 4' apart.

We sell truck loads of Continuous Fence and are most common size is the 6 rail x 1.25".  This panel makes up over 99% of all the Continuous Fence we sell. 


Styles & Approximate Rail Spacing


48" 4 rail, 13 1/4" rail spacing

48" 5 rail, 9 3/4" rail spacing

48" 6 rail, 7 1/2" rail spacing

60" 7 rail, 7 1/2" rail spacing